What Are the Dangers of Hidden Car Accident Injuries?

Posted on: February 28, 2023

Accident-related injuries can be immediately apparent, like broken bones, burns, and lacerations. Others can be internal without obvious symptoms. These hidden car accident injuries can be serious and require medical immediate medical attention.

Some common hidden car accident injuries include:

  • Concussions: A concussion is a type of traumatic injury that can lead to headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms.
  • Internal bleeding: The signs of internal bleeding might not show up until your condition has worsened. This injury can be life-threatening.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Examples of soft tissue injuries include whiplash and serious muscle strains. Like other hidden car accident injuries, the symptoms can take a few hours or up to a week to appear.
  • Spinal cord injuries: These are often hidden right after car accidents and can be serious. If there is swelling and bleeding in the area, it could lead to gradual numbness, chronic pain, or paralysis.

Not seeking a timely medical evaluation after a car accident can be hazardous for your health, but there is another important reason to get evaluated. If you need to make an insurance claim to cover your medical expenses, the provider will evaluate the information carefully to determine the coverage. When policyholders do not get immediate treatment, insurance providers will want to know why. If the documentation shows a claimant waited, the link between the crash and injury is unclear.

Insurance adjusters may think the injury was not serious enough to require immediate care or may assert that the injury was from a previous accident. The longer you wait to be seen by a physician, the likelier it is that your claim will be delayed or denied.

Types of Evidence

As with other personal injury claims, it is vital to gather evidence in a car accident case. Keep track of all expenses related to your injuries, including medical facility and rehabilitation statements, receipts for prescription medications, and caregiver payments. Have your medical records handy to help prove that you were injured before the crash. If you had to miss work because of your injury, document any lost pay.

A car accident attorney can investigate the accident during this discovery phase so you can focus on your recovery. Eyewitnesses may be contacted, and expert witnesses may also be able to help your case. The crash scene can be revisited to check for evidence like skid marks, and a traffic camera may have recorded what happened.

Neptune Car Accident Lawyers at Mikita & Roccanova Work With Clients Who Have Serious Car Accident Injuries

Our skilled Neptune car accident lawyers at Mikita & Roccanova are experienced in hidden car accident injury cases. To find out more, call us at 732-705-3363 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation. Located in Hazlet and Highland Park, New Jersey, we serve clients in Ocean County, Sussex County, Neptune, Middlesex County, and Pennsylvania.